Sales report as ANSI format 852 / 4010 / 4030

1. Document information

Message typeDateVersionType
Sales report09.01.20151.0ANSI

2. Structure of an ANSI interchange in format 852

beeline is able to offer an ANSI format for the sales report data. Attribute shows the minimum length within the first figure and the maximum length within the second figure. This form follows the standard and should include the following segments.

Please note:

The indicated price of sale needs to be the real selling price incl. discount, etc. If one article is sold for different prices (with or without discount), the article needs to be listed per selling price. 

For articles which are returned, the corresponding number will be declared as negative. The price needs to be indicated with a positive amount. If there is a need to return 2 articles, which are the identical, the dataset looks the following way: 


If articles are returned, it is necessary to quote the real selling price, maybe either a discounted price.

ISA Interchange Control Header01 
Function:Starts and Identifies an interchange of zero or more functional groups and interchange-related control segments.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
ISA01-ISA02I01/I02Mdiv.Authorization Qualifier and Information00 
No Authorization Information available
ISA03-ISA04I03/I04Mdiv.Security Qualifier and Information00 
No Security Information available
ISA05I05MID 2/2Interchange ID Qualifier08
ISA06I06MAN 1/15Sender IDSender Identification, e.g. 9254291001
ISA07I05MID 2/2Interchange ID Qualifier12 
ISA08I07MAN 1/15Receiver IDReceiver Identification, e.g. 4049789941
ISA09I08MDT 6/8Interchange DateYYMMDD 
Date, e.g. 141111
ISA10I09MN0 3/3Interchange TimeHHMM
Time, e.g. 0351
ISA11I10MID 1/1Interchange Control Standards Identifier
U.S. EDI Community
ISA12I11MID 5/5Control Version Number00401 
Draft Standards for Trial Use approved
ISA13I12MN0 1/9Interchange Control NumberUnique Number of the Message,
e.g. 000000005
ISA14I13MID 1/1Technical Acknowledgement requiredCode sent by Sender to request Acknowledgement
e.g. 0
ISA15I14MID 1/1Test IndicatorT = Test 
P = Production
ISA16I15not used   
GS Functional Group Header01 
Function:Indicates the beginning of a functional group and to provide control information.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
GS01479MID 2/2Functional Identifier CodePD 
Product Activity Data
GS02142MAN 2/15Sender ID QualifierSender Identification, e.g. 9254291001
GS03124MAN 2/15Receiver ID QualifierReceiver Identification, e.g. 4049789941
GS04373MDT 6/8DateYYMMDD
e.g. 141111
GS05337MN0 4/8TimeHHMM
e.g. 0351
GS0628MN0 1/9Group Control Number5
Assigned Number by Sender
GS07445MID 1/2Responsible Agency CodeX
Accredited Standards Committee X12
GS08480MAN 1/12Control Version00401
Draft Standards for Trial Use approved
ST Transaction Set HeaderM1 
Function:Indicates the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
ST01143MID 3/3Transaction Set Identifier Code852 
Product Activity Data
ST02329MAN 4/9Transaction Set Control NumberUnique in Transaction Set
XQ Reporting Date ActionM1 
Function:Shows the reporting date.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
XQ01305MID 1/2Transaction Handling Code
Notification only
XQ02373MDT 8/8Reporting DateYYYYMMDD 
e.g. 20141231
XQ03373not used   
N9 Reference Identification0>1 
Function:Adds additional references.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
N901128MID 2/3Reference Identification QualifierAD 
Accept. Source DUNS Number
N902127MAN 1/30Reference Identification1234
e.g. Supplier Number
N903-N907div.not used   
C04001-C04006div.not used   
LIN Item IdentificationM>1 
Function:Shows article details.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
LIN01350not used   
LIN02235MID 2/2Product/Service ID QualifierIN
Issued by Sender
LIN03234CAN 1/48Product/Service ID4711
LIN04235CID 2/2Product/Service ID QualifierZZ
Mutually defined
LIN05234MAN 1/48Product/Service IDDepartment e.g. 1234567
LIN06235MID 2/2Product/Service ID QualifierEN
European Article Number
LIN07234MAN 1/48Product/Service IDe.g. 4043977029571
LIN08235CID 2/2Product/Service ID QualifierVN
Vendor Number
LIN09234CAN 1/48Product/Service IDe.g. 123-456
LIN10-LIN31div.not used   
ZA Procuct Activity ReportingM1 
Function:Shows the sales date.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
ZA01859MID 2/2Activity CodeQS
Quantity Sold
ZA02-ZA03div.not used   
ZA04374MID 3/3Date/Time Qualifier006
ZA05373MDT 8/8Sales DateYYYYMMDD
e.g. 20141230
ZA06-ZA08div.not used   
CTP Price InformationM25 
Function:Shows the sales price.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
CTP01687not used   
CTP02236MID 3/3Price Identifier CodeUCP
Unit Cost Price
CTP03380MR 1/17Unit CodeRTL
Sales Price to Customer,
e.g. 6.95
Needs to be the real Selling Price!
CTP04-CTP11div.not used   
SDQ Destination QuantityM>1 
Function:Indicates the sales location and quantity.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
SDQ01355MID 2/2Unit or Basis for MeasurementEA
SDQ0266OID 1/2Identification Code QualifierZZ
Mutually defined
SDQ0367MAN 2/80Identification CodePoint of Sale / Store,
e.g. 6789
SDQ04380MR1/15Quantity Sold1
Quantity sold
Negative for Returns!
SDQ05-SDQ22div.not used   
CTT Transaction TotalsO1 
Function:Indicates the number of LIN.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
CTT01354MN0 1/6Number of Line ItemsNumber of LIN Segments, 
e.g. 580
SE Transaction Set TrailerM1 
Function:Indicates the number of included segments.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
SE0196MID 2/2Number of Included SegmentsNumber of Segments in the Message,
e.g. 4174
SE02329not used   
GE Functional Group TrailerO1 
Function:Indicates the end of a functional group and to provide control information.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
GE0197MN0 1/6Number of Transaction Sets IncludedAmount of included Messages / Group Segments, e.g. 1
GE0228MN0 1/9Group Control NumberGroup Segment Number from GS06, e.g. 5
IEA Interchange Control TrailerO1 
Function:Defines the end of an interchange of zero or more functional groups and interchange-related.  
 Ref. Des  Data element  Status  Attribute  Name  Content/Notes 
IEA01I16MN0 1/5Number of Included Functional GroupsAmount of included Function Groups within one Data Transfer
IEA02I12MN0 1/9Interchange Control NumberInterchange Number from ISA13, e.g. 5

Here you can download a sample sales report in ANSI format: 

ANSI sales report 

Test Barcodes (matching sample messages)

3. Legend

N0integerN03 = exact 3 integer positions
N0...35 = up to 35 integer positions
ANalphanumericAN12 = exact 12 alphanumeric positions
AN...35 = up to 35 alphanumeric positions